Cool New Student Photo Work

I posted some of the recently finished student projects of kids who were willing to share. We did "Fictional Self Portraits", and "Hi-Res Digital Photo kaleidoscopes".

More student work@:

Mandy's Shots

Mandy's a young lady who has an interest in photography. She's excited about being able to take photography as a freshman next year, and her parents have fostered this interest by providing equipment and encouragement. The other night we were all attending a birthday party and I was tired, and not really in the "photo mood", so I handed the EOS 1D over to Mandy and let her shoot some CR2 (raw files). I adjusted them minimally, cropped a few, and posted these eight shots. It's fun to see someone else's perspective through my gear, and I love the compositional choices she made. Good stuff....

Saint Thomas the Apostle

Veteran’s Day is a special day for many Americans, but it’s also a day people spend doing projects, attending parties, or seeing family. I left the house to get some yard supplies and drove past my old church, St. Thomas the Apostle. I saw two women landscaping around the statue of the Virgin Mary on the North side of the church. I stopped and talked to tell them how nice it looked and we began talking. We soon realized we knew many of the same people, and we had attended this church simultaneously in the past. Joan Burns has been a parishioner since the church was built in 1962 and her daughter Judy Burns went to elementary school there. As we continued talking she told me that the church is on a list to be closed by the Diocese of Rochester. Even though I no longer attend this church I have many good memories from my days growing up there. I was in Boy Scouts, we had huge church cook outs, and I went through all my catholic duties including Confirmation, First Communion, and Sunday school. I guess I’m not much of a Catholic these days, but It would really be shame to see this great Irondequoit landmark close its doors. I snapped some quick shots to show just how beautiful the church and grounds are. The people shown working are strictly volunteers who spend their own money and time to care for special areas of the grounds.

People can send a letter to Bishop Mathew Clark opposing this order:
Bishop Matthew Clark
1150 Buffalo Road
Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 328-3210

More Pictures at:

pneumatic hose

This was a picture of pneumatic hose put through a series of adjustments in photoshop. Friday fun!


Zak's Band Photography

I've been having students size and save their art for the web. Once file size is reduced I can post it under "STUDENT WORK" on my website. Zak is the latest contributor, he has really taken a big leap this year, and his band photos are getting a strong response from kids in the metal/hardcore music scene. He's for hire, so check him out on Facebook: Zakaria Marrow Photography.

link to my site:

Cherry Pontiac

I saw this car at Schaller's on Edgemere Drive last night. I had to photograph this sweet ride, and the gentlemen who owned it was more than happy to allow me some time. I worked quick as the sun was going down, but had enough light to maintain detail and capture it's rich color.

Great Student Photography by Brendan Jaccarino

Brendan is a senior who is attending School of the Visual Arts in NYC this fall, here is a link to some of his work on the Student Work section of my site.

More of Brendan's work can be seen at:


I decided to photograph 4 old pieces (2 intaglio's, 1 monotype, and 1 acrylic painting). I still like printmaking and hope to begin repairing an old Conrad Machine Co. press soon. I hope to merge my digital work somehow, and I have some cool image transfer things I want to try as well.

Walking Around The Market

I was enjoying shopping at the Rochester Public Market with my Mom and Son, getting some fresh Dill, Cilantro, and various produce. I brought my camera and just casually snapped some shots I thought summed up the vibe today.

Good Invention=$

This is kind of a geeky video, but this product is really great, I mean a simple American idea that will make my life shooting weddings so much easier. I bought one, and said to myself why did it take so long for someone to think of this?. It just goes to show you there is money waiting to made if you have an idea, Hahn Photographic carries the product and they are selling like hotcakes. 

Student Show Glimpse

Here are three of my student's panels (of several) that will be display Monday at SUNY Brockport. Sorry about the low cell shot quality.

Watermark/Logo design

I whipped this logo/watermark up for a kid who does great band photography.

Realm of Chaos

One of my students made this piece and titled it "Realm of Chaos" after the legendary Bolt Thrower Album.

Early Morning

Shooting at the crack of dawn again. It's that or nothing lately, super busy getting ready for a huge exhibit.


Starbucks brought me to this....

Someone's Child

Another person shot in Rochester over some dispute. No matter how you perceive urban violence, this it still someone's child. Even if they were lack luster parents, I'm sure they had some cherished moments with these kids. What do we value in our society? 12 million dollar an hour wars, I guess. Certainly not job development and educational opportunity, just keep sending jobs to China, and watch our slums grow.