View of Zoo after closing

I attended a party at the Seneca Park Zoo after it's regular hours of operation.

recognized by fellow blogger

I thought is was cool that the little story I did on Memorial Day some how made around the area. Enough so that it was recognized by someone I've never met and shared with others.

Little Gem

Took some birth announcement shots for a friend after work yesterday, and this was my personal favorite, she's adorable.

More Student Creations

I love these Fictional Self Portraits the students keep finishing.

Strange Tree

Cool tree, comment if you know what it is.


Not as crazy as the sinkhole last week in Guatemala (pics below)

My Mom called and said, "you have to see this, it's the craziest thing, a plant Dad just planted disappeared into the ground", I just figured it was a small sinkhole that resulted from the heavy rain. My mom said you have to come and see this, when I got there I was blown away at how deep it was(approx 40ft. deep, 2.5ft. wide). My Dad had just planted a flowering plant in that very spot a day earlier.


Some of my favorite days are cool and dark, I guess it's good I live here. No one around, very quiet, and very still after the rain... A good Sunday.

Continuing the Market Series

Everybody who has gone to photo school in Rochester has shot pictures at the Public Market, but it's a dynamic place in a continued state of flux, so I continue to find inspiration at this place and keep shooting there regularly

more shots@:

Great Show on Current TV

The show on Current TV I saw was called "Photos Across America", and It featured some topics that I think my students and anyone involved in photography will find very interesting.
Related Links below:

Cool New Student Photo Work

I posted some of the recently finished student projects of kids who were willing to share. We did "Fictional Self Portraits", and "Hi-Res Digital Photo kaleidoscopes".

More student work@:

Mandy's Shots

Mandy's a young lady who has an interest in photography. She's excited about being able to take photography as a freshman next year, and her parents have fostered this interest by providing equipment and encouragement. The other night we were all attending a birthday party and I was tired, and not really in the "photo mood", so I handed the EOS 1D over to Mandy and let her shoot some CR2 (raw files). I adjusted them minimally, cropped a few, and posted these eight shots. It's fun to see someone else's perspective through my gear, and I love the compositional choices she made. Good stuff....

Saint Thomas the Apostle

Veteran’s Day is a special day for many Americans, but it’s also a day people spend doing projects, attending parties, or seeing family. I left the house to get some yard supplies and drove past my old church, St. Thomas the Apostle. I saw two women landscaping around the statue of the Virgin Mary on the North side of the church. I stopped and talked to tell them how nice it looked and we began talking. We soon realized we knew many of the same people, and we had attended this church simultaneously in the past. Joan Burns has been a parishioner since the church was built in 1962 and her daughter Judy Burns went to elementary school there. As we continued talking she told me that the church is on a list to be closed by the Diocese of Rochester. Even though I no longer attend this church I have many good memories from my days growing up there. I was in Boy Scouts, we had huge church cook outs, and I went through all my catholic duties including Confirmation, First Communion, and Sunday school. I guess I’m not much of a Catholic these days, but It would really be shame to see this great Irondequoit landmark close its doors. I snapped some quick shots to show just how beautiful the church and grounds are. The people shown working are strictly volunteers who spend their own money and time to care for special areas of the grounds.

People can send a letter to Bishop Mathew Clark opposing this order:
Bishop Matthew Clark
1150 Buffalo Road
Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 328-3210

More Pictures at:

pneumatic hose

This was a picture of pneumatic hose put through a series of adjustments in photoshop. Friday fun!