Bill and Emily

Great day, beautiful site, just a glimpse so far, so many pics....

Bush Baby

Quick raised my camera and caught this guy jumping at the zoo. It's an African Bush Baby.


It's amazing what can pop when you weed your garden.

A day on the water

Some highlights of  the day shot with my wife's Kodak.

my little buddy's back

 My baby's back from Canon repair, new: shutter, hot shoe, AF calibration, exposure adjustments, firmware, and battery compartment hardware, sensor cleaning.... I'm gonna post my first shots, I doubt it will much different, just more reliable. This shot was hand held at kind of low light at ISO 50, so there's a tad bit of blur, but the colors look good.


Cool exhibit of an Iconic, may I say "Pop Artist"? Not stuffy, and hard for many artists to understand how huge this stuff is globally... check it out


mallow roasting and Blue Moon

little explorer

My son and I explored "the jungle, where the creatures are", as he calls it. I was proud of how far he made it, and a shoulder ride was only necessary on the last hill....Love this stuff

new lens

First shot with my new lens, I'm liking it.

quick angles

Shooting at high ISO from the car is still fun to me, even if the shot is rough, there's a dynamic in the composition sometimes that is unpredictable.

more from "Roadwork" series@: