Jon and Annie

A great day from start to finish! The weather held out, even though I made this California couple freeze.

Full group of shots @:

Anthony Vaccarelli "In The Shadows" Exhibit

I went to Anthony Vaccarelli's exhibit opening at SUNY Brockport tonight, and I was both proud and impressed. Anthony studied at Brockport High School (were I teach) and was heavily involved in the arts, although he has gone on to explore, study and create several new types of art, this show focussed on one of his passions, Comic Art. The newest work was brilliantly drawn and filled with rich color as well as horrific content, which is appropriate since the show is called, "In The Shadows". It was great to see one of my old students "sticking to his guns", and making art that he's truly passionate about.

Acrid Smoke

probably the most photographed place ever

building the mega playhouse

This post will be ongoing, and added to in stages due to the crazy amounts of work that's going into building this three story playhouse.
Leif and Papa Dick were hard at work building as I was sorting pieces, literally thousands of pieces.

coffee talk

Student Cherie Sailus, myself, and Ms. Castaneda doing a little indoor close-up work today. Cherie is doing an independent study in digital photo, and these were a couple shots she and I took today. I just adjusted them quickly for posting purposes. Cherie plans to add some of her recent shots to an upcoming exhibit at Nazareth College that we will both be contributing to. The exhibit is called "Shared Spaces", this show allows a teacher and one senior to add one piece of art which will be on display in the new Arts Center at Naz in June.

five thirty, ughhhh....

5:30 ebay question response session with photobooth running, why don't people read descriptions anymore?