Trying my new Photoflex LiteDome XS for strobe and cool light

Just Playing around indoors with off camera strobe. I was using my new Photoflex LiteDome XS diffuser with a Canon 580 EXii flash and a 5D Mark ii set at ISO 50. Not perfect by any means, but I can drop the power on the flash more next time to soften the light, just getting to know it will take time.

Student "Artist Books"

Students are designing, writing, printing, and binding their own books from scratch in my High School Computer Art class. I'm quite proud of them right now.

more rain close ups

Photo Outing May 12th

Thanks Brendan Jaccarino for shooting the pics of me and the students!

Scooby Doo Party

Nice family pic by my Mom using my 1D at Leif's fourth Birthday. Can You guess which characters we are?

puppy fix

My buddy Adam's dog was borrowed to get a quick puppy fix today. I love this dog's sister too, who was offered to us when Johnny passed, but we're still not ready. Tempting though.